Malcolm Gladwell’s Concept of the Connector Works As a "What’s Next Strategy"

People of all ages have questions about “what’s next.” Baby boomers have many questions. Can they afford to retire? Where do they want to retire? How to get meaning in their lives? Should they make a career change? Younger individuals question whether they are on the right path. And older people begin to question what they will do in retirement.Editorial Controls
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Give Your Mother A Raise

Adult children might just be the ones to help their retired parents revitalize their lives. Here are some stories:

Roxanne, a co-owner of a boutique PR firm, introduced me to her mother who is now her Woman Friday. She had just helped out with the refreshments and arrangements for a photo shoot. As her mother said to me, “Working for my daughter has added 10 years to my life.”

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See my latest feature in this USA Today article - Retirement requires reimagining your future. Here are ways to do it. - CLICK HERE
See my latest feature in this USA Today article - Retirement requires reimagining your future. Here are ways to do it. - CLICK HERE