"Hit a Brick Wall, Congratulations"

The quote “Hit a Brick Wall, Congratulations” describes what C.E.O. Kyle Zimmer advocates (New York Times, Business Section, May 27, 2012, p. 2). In fact, her organization sometimes gives awards for ideas that fail.

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Celebrate Failure– It’s What Most of Us Do

Erma Bombeck wrote, “Failing is what most of us do…but we have still managed to go on breathing…I have several reactions when I hear people introduce me [with]…accolades…so glowing that I don’t even recognize myself. I figure Mother Teresa just flew in…I would like to propose a new wrinkle to introductions. Instead of listing a speaker’s successes, why not list the failures?

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See my latest feature in this USA Today article - Retirement requires reimagining your future. Here are ways to do it. - CLICK HERE
See my latest feature in this USA Today article - Retirement requires reimagining your future. Here are ways to do it. - CLICK HERE