"Hit a Brick Wall, Congratulations"

"Hit a Brick Wall, Congratulations"

"Hit a Brick Wall, Congratulations"

"Hit a Brick Wall, Congratulations"

The quote “Hit a Brick Wall, Congratulations” describes what C.E.O. Kyle Zimmer advocates (New York Times, Business Section, May 27, 2012, p. 2). In fact, her organization sometimes gives awards for ideas that fail.

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It Never Rains, But It Pours

I love blogging for Psychology Today. However, I have been unable to think of a new topic for my next blog. I began to analyze why I was blocked. I realized it was because I was in the midst of multiple transitions and could not focus on anything else. Although I have tried to stay away from personal stories, I think there are some lessons to be learned.

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