Retirement Quiz: Will You Pass or Flunk Retirement?
As Sue considers retirement, she reported, “I know I will be a retirement failure. I’ve been struggling with the ‘afterlife’ for about five years; indeed, this is the most difficult ‘transition’ I have experienced, and it seems to be the case with many professional women of our ilk. We don’t want to ‘roll bandages.’ What else is there?”
Life on Hold: Transitions Waiting to Happen
“I haven’t died on schedule” wrote Mark Trautwein in his New York Times opinion piece (Sunday, June 5, 2011, p. 8). After his diagnosis he lived his life waiting to die. Prince Charles has spent a lifetime waiting to be King.
Even Happy Transitions Are Bewildering—But Why?
Why do happy transitions—like a wished for job or relationship—upset us? I interviewed a new college president about her transition. She was thrilled to be selected but wondered why she felt depressed after starting the new job. A newly married couple moved into their first home.Editorial Controls
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